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2023 was tough, but it's been necessary to clear a path for an incredible 2024.

2023 was shit. There. I said it. I said the same thing to someone the other night and they looked at me with a mixture of genuine confusion and pity. "Why?" she asked. Fair question. Mainly just my brain lol.

Why, indeed. Partly a crippling bout of Imposter Syndrome, mix it up with a major dose of overcommitment and burnout, plus a lack of breathing space/time to myself, add a toe-dip into a mid-life crisis due to an impending 40th birthday, a sprinkle of disappointment and anger, self-imposed social isolation, and twin 3-year-olds. Need I say more?

Truth is, as cliche as it sounds, I needed to break this year. I needed to slow down and reprioritise. I needed to lower my expectations of myself, and of other people.

Does that sound crazy? Lowering expectations. We are taught to always be the best that we can be, but we all know that we are always less than we know we can be.

We doom ourselves.

Do you want to know what the reality is?

We are enough.

Just as we are.

We are enough.

You are enough.

No matter what anyone else thinks or says, no matter what you think or feel or hear.

You are enough.

I am enough.

And this year has made me believe it.

It's only taken me nearly 40 years.

So, now that I've finally got that out of the way, I feel clear to invoke and welcome a wonderful new year, without the pressure that I usually put on myself. It's the first year that I have ever felt truly happy with how things are right now. Heck, this is probably the first moment that I have ever felt truly happy with exactly how things are.

This doesn't mean that I'm not going to strive to do and be better, to learn and grow. But, I don't need to do it to prove anything to me or anyone else.

How freeing.

I know that it's going to be hard to keep holding onto this truth, but I'll do my best.

Ending the year on a high.

2024 is gunna rock!

Marley x

A snippet of conversation between 3-year-old twin boys at bedtime. I sit in a rocking chair in the corner of their room every night until they fall asleep. This is quality writing time for me. On this night, I wrote down what they said.

Hairless troll doll in a red, white and blue outfit
The Man With No Hair

Mum, which colour do you like? I know you like Spiderman Santa can give you that And a heavy blue crystal What else? Paw Patrol things He has Avengers Assemble games I want to see that I think it's in the shops Vehicle stuff, and tool stuff and mowers I saw a big bulldozer in the shops

Mum, were you small when you had that guy with no hair? Were you small like us? It’s Dad’s now because it's from the shed but Dad said yes, you can have it

I saw a police car Did you? Yeah, in the garage With blue and yellow on it? And white? I love those colours All Blippi’s colours with orange and blue It did have blue on it And yellow? Yes. It’s in that garage. In the shops. With that garbage truck. It was picking some bins.

Mum, I want a hug and a kiss, Mum Mum, I want another hug Mum, I’m laying down


Mum, was Daddy bigger when that man that has no hair when you were small? Was Dad bigger when you were small?

Mum. Mum. Mummy. Mum. Was Dad small? Was our Mum and Dad small when the man with no hair…


Mum. Sorry.

Mum, I want another hug Mum, I want one too Mum, I love you so much I love you so much too, Mum


Mum, I’m starving. I want another hug.



Read the gripping conclusion to Cleo's story and her battle for the truth. I am so excited to share it with you! Here are all the details:

Picture of the front cover of the book The Silver Shepherd, showing a young woman lazing on grass under a grey sky

Release Date: 24 June 2023

Pages: 333

Cover Designer: James from


Sheep attack shepherds when wolves tell lies

Cleo is a young Australian mother who lives an alternative lifestyle in one of the last remaining hippie communities. She is used to suffering for her choices; Walking around shoeless in a society that considers it dangerous and deplorable is either really brave, or really stupid... but that is the least of her concerns.

Cleo has inherited a secret from her family’s twisted past. A secret that some very powerful people are making sure stays kept, by any means necessary.

A secret that could change the world.

Before Cleo became a mother, she was a fighter and a rebel. But now she stays silent, reluctant to put her child at risk and carrying a heavy burden. However, when a suspicious tragedy strikes her family, Cleo realises that even if she keeps their secret, she is never going to be safe, and her child will never grow up free. No one will.

Something needs to be done, and it needs to be done by her.

Purchase Links: US Paperback - $14.99 USD

US Kindle eBook - $3.99 USD

AUS Paperback - $23.99 AUD

AUS Kindle eBook - $3.99 AUD

This book has been enrolled in expanded distribution (internationally) and will become available through other good online bookstores.

This book is also enrolled in KDP Select and is FREE to read for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

It is the same size as The Silver Sheep, and they will look lovely on your bookshelf beside one another ;)


Much love - Marley x

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89-page e-novella:

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