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Oh crap. I have allowed the teeth and claws of creative discouragement to lodge themselves in my throat. Away with you, Art Satan! 

Can you relate? It's okay, I know what we have to do...

Holy heck balls! Here I was, living my life, being all creative n' wordy n' shit, and then I went and fell off my bloody writer's perch! Ugh! But it's okay.

I know what I need to do.

I know what anyone who is discouraged needs to do.

Are you ready for this advice?

It is going to change your life!

Are you ready for this?...

A cartoon depiction of Art Satan telling someone that they suck

Here it is:

Ignore the discouragement and start creating!

That's it! Just do the fugging thing!

Create while sad, create angry, create happy, create tired, create hot, create with little snippits of time, create with whole days, create without the proper materials, create while inspired and...

Create while discouraged.

Keep going.

How we FEEL doesn't correlate with the worth of our work.

Right now, I am feeling creatively discouraged. I feel like my creativity isn't worth the space that it takes up in the world. I feel UN-creative, I feel lazy, I feel uninspired, and I feel frustrated. I said to my husband "Why am I bothering to write when nobody is reading what I write anyway?"

Shut up Marley!

Just shut the heck up!

Hubby said to me, "You've got to get clear on WHY you are creating," then he added those four words that I HATE: "Do it for yourself."

Ughhhhh! Can other artists out there relate to my frustration here?

I DO create for myself. I create because creativity is like breathing for me most of the time, it's just something that I have to do. I don't even need to think about it, my soul just wants to create word pictures, write love poems about nature, tell stories about people in my head, and show people stuff. I create because I need to - for me - BUT, I also create because I want people to experience and enjoy it. I want to move people. I want people to feel seen and heard, I want them to be able to relate to the words I write, or feel inspired to step outside and gaze up at a tree for five minutes. I want to entertain people, make them think, make them laugh, or, just make them feel anything that they wouldn't have had they not read what I wrote.


I want to make a difference in the world.


And that is why I am feeling uninspired.

Because I feel like I am NOT making a difference in the world.

A person frowning. A cartoon Satan sits on their shoulder telling them that they suck
Me n' Art Satan hanging out together

You know what?

That is Art Satan talking.

Can you picture him? Horns and pitchfork, bright red spandex bodysuit, soles of his feet smoking, breath stinking, teeth rotting, claws digging into your neck as he whispers in your ear, "What's the point?"

Get away from me Art Satan! I rebuke you in the name of Creative Jesus!

I'm only half-joking. I mean, God gave us this gift of creativity, right? He wants us to use it! He doesn't want us being all sooky, like "Waah! I can't create! I have no ideas! Nobody wants to read what I write! I'm not good enough! Why should I!"


I gotta rise above this shit talk in my ear.

I am a conduit. The words come through me.

What I create has a purpose that is BIGGER than me!

Perhaps it will change the world one day.

Perhaps it already has.

Perhaps it is just so my children see me fighting the negative self-talk and following my dreams and passions anyway.

Yes, I do create for me... but I also create for you.

Get away from me, Art Satan! Go jump into a herd of swine and run off a tall cliff, because I'm going go and create my magical word salad and write books that will be released into the wild regardless of how I feel.

I'm going to create discouraged. So ner!


Just do the thing.

...Okay. I will.

Love, Marley


P.S. You can check out my word salad creations HERE

or HERE if you're an Aussie.

Marley Betts

Would you like to set up your own market stall in Australia? This blog post is going to discuss some of the things you may need to consider, and how you can get ready for your first market stall.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Please do your own research and seek professional advice to ensure that you have complete and accurate information for your circumstances and to ensure that you operate legally.

A person in a red top holding 2 books

Okay, now that is out of the way, let's get into it.

What are you selling?

I would like to sell my BOOKS and ART at local markets in the region. I'm thinking my stall will offer:

What will you need?

To do that, I'm going to need:

  • A table

  • Something to hold the money eg. Tin or bumbag

  • A newsletter signup sheet

  • A bowl of lollies to entice people to come over**

  • A QR code on display for people to download my free novella (The Silver Maid)

  • Optional:

    • A marquee (and pegs to secure it)

    • A tablecloth

    • Payment device to accept electronic payments

    • Paperweights so things don't blow away

    • A sign

    • Book stands and price signs

    • A pen (to sign books)

    • Water (for me to drink)

Other considerations:

  • Parking

  • Transporting things from your car to your site (and back again)

  • Weather

  • Toilets (and who can watch your stall while you wee)

  • Advertising and Social Media

  • Photo-taking device and photo-taker (to get pics of you in action for your website or on social media)

Other laws, licences, approvals, and compliance requirements:

Now, the more I looked into things, the more considerations there were. These are not relevant to my circumstances, but I'm listing some information here to give you an idea about things that you may need to consider:

  • Do you sell goods by weight? Then you will have trade measurement laws that you will need to comply with

  • Do you wish to sell food? Then there are a range of food safety rules that you will need to comply with.

  • Do you want to play music?

  • Will your stall be on a public holiday?

  • Will you collect, hold, or use personal information?

All of these things have their own licensing and approval considerations and may have their own special requirements. Check out the Australian Business Licence and Information Service to learn more.

Can I give away lollies?

Did you notice that I want to have a bowl of lollies on my table and lollies = FOOD. I do not need to comply with food safety laws because:

a) I am not preparing the food

b) I will not be SELLING the food

c) The lollies will be individually wrapped

But, what if someone takes one of my free lollies and chokes on it or has an allergic reaction?

This is a consideration for a market stall insurance policy. Ask your insurer (I'll cover insurance a bit later on).

There are 3 main things that require further research and consideration for me:

  1. ABN



ABN/Business Registration

How do you know if you need an ABN?

Is your market stall endeavour a business or a hobby? Do you hope to earn an income/profit from it? Like, more than a little pocket money? Will it be a consistent income? This article here talks more about whether you need an ABN. It also talks a little bit about insurance and licenses/permits. The Australian Government has some information on working out if you have a business or a hobby, here. It also goes into a bit more information about things you have to consider if you do decide to turn your market side-hustle into a legitimate business.

Based on what I've read, I could get started by running a few market stalls to test the waters and see how they go, and I would not need to register my business and get an ABN. Then, if the stalls are reasonably successful and I intend to do more than a couple here or there so that I could generate a profit, I could register for an ABN and make it all a legitimate business down the track.

All of that being said, I am aware that some markets may not allow you to register for a stall without an ABN. Ugh.

Payment Options

A person looking surprised, wearing a red top while looking into a purse

CASH Cash is king, right? Well, cash is easy, sure, but most people don't carry around cash much anymore—I know I don't. But for the sake of simplicity, I could offer a cash-only option and direct people to the closest ATM. Some markets have portable ATMs on site for people to use. No fees. No fuss.


First consideration if you wish to be able to accept card payments is that you would need a business bank account. Then, there seem to be lots of different options about how to accept card payments.

a) Using a device You can organise a device to take payments, such as Square. These devices will likely have rental fees if your turnover is low (Square is free only if your turnover is more than $10k per month) and there could also be contracts and other fees and considerations. This options seems way too over the top for what I intend to do. More of an option if market stalls are your main business and not a hobby.

b) Using your mobile phone

There are apps that you can download on your phone that will turn your mobile into a payment-taking device, such as the Charge app. Now, it's free to download the app. To make the app work, you will need to set up a Stripe account which is a payment platform, like Paypal. This is also free. However, you DO have fees per transaction. The Charge app fee is 1% per transaction and the Stripe app fee is 1.75% + $0.30 for Aussie cards.

This is only one of many options. It all sounds confusing and like I need to do a lot more research.

Setting yourself up to accept card payments does sound very business-like. There are fees, record-keeping requirements, and there is an assumption then that you would be making a profit. This probably takes your little market stall out of the 'hobby' realm and into the 'business' realm. Again, I would be tempted to run a few stalls accepting only cash, see how many sales I lose due to only accepting cash payments, consider how much of a profit I make/miss out on, and how much I could make if I set myself up as a business able to accept card payments.

This is my opinion and NOT a recommendation. I cannot stress enough that you would need to look into all of this for yourself BEFORE you jump in and make mistakes. Please seek advice.


Market Stall insurance is a policy that you pay for that will cover you if something goes wrong. Maybe someone leans against my display table and it collapses on their foot and breaks a toe. Maybe someone chokes on a free lolly. Maybe someone trips over a fallen book and breaks a hip. Maybe someone throws a water bomb and it hits my table, damaging my stock. You cannot take a chance that nothing will happen, because if something does, it could end up costing you a lot of money. These scenarios are why you NEED insurance. Also, many markets will not let you have a stall unless you have market stall insurance.

I looked at My Market Insurance and AAMI when researching for this blog, and the policies that I looked at can be taken out for various lengths of time, for example, a single day, or a 3, 6, or 12-month period. There are different policy options, and you will need to consider things like: Do I want only public liability cover, or do I want to cover my products too? (like in the water bomb scenario) How much cover do I need? ($10 million? $20 million?) Do I have an ABN? Will I be selling food?

In a nutshell: Yes, I will need insurance.

Phew! There is a lot of information in here, a lot to consider, and a whole lot that I haven't considered at all. Hopefully, this blog gives you a place to start with your own research and gets you one step closer to having your own market stall in Australia. I will definitely do another blog after I have run my first stall (which probably won't be for a while), and let you know how it goes.

Good luck!! May your future market stall endeavours prosper and thrive.

Much love,

Marley xx

Marley Betts

Isn't reading wonderful?! So far this year, I have finished reading 54 books, which means that I have traveled to 54 different worlds, heard at least 54 different stories, and met hundreds and hundreds of characters along the way. Here are my Top 10 Book Lists for 2024.

I have broken my Top 10 lists up into 3 different categories:

Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry.

So let's start with...

A crude drawing of a calendar and a stack of books

Top 10 Fiction:

  1. The Stranger in the Life Boat - Mitch Albom

    A ship sinks and a bunch of people end up on a lifeboat together. Days later, they pull a man from the water, who claims to be God. This is the story of what happened.

  2. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

    Set in the 1930s, written from the POV of a child, and all about adult topics: ignorance, racism, literacy, the law, rights, morals, and courage.

  3. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

    This book is written so darn WELL. It is deep and brilliantly poetic, but unfortunately is about a rather nasty topic: pedophilia.

  4. The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath

    Set in the 1950s. About one woman's demise. Her literal breakdown. She starts off as a well-dressed student with a bright future, and slowly loses her mind, ending up institutionalised and having electroconvulsive therapy sessions. It is not a happy book. It is not uplifting. It is a hard read and could be very triggering for some people. Gives genuine insight into a person with serious mental health issues (the author committed suicide days after the books release).

  5. At the Foot of the Cherry Tree - Alli Parker

    A real-life forbidden love story about an Australian soldier stationed in post-war Japan who falls in love with a Japanese woman. They have to fight racism, prejudice, discrimination, and the White Australia policy in order to be together.

  6. The Riders - Tim Winton

    Well written. I expected a book about a husband searching for a missing wife, and it is, but it also isn't, which I didn't get until I finished the book and went "huh?", and then I got it. It isn't about the outside journey, it is all about the inside one. So good. So clever.

  7. The Good Sister - Sally Hepworth

    The main female character is neurodiverse with a lot of sensory issues and a different way of seeing and interpreting things. The story kept me hooked, and it was an easy (Aussie) read.

  8. Darling Girls - Sally Hepworth

    About three adopted women, the secrets of their traumatic childhood, and the impact that it has on their adult lives.

  9. The Red Tent - Anita Diamant

    A biblical retelling. About the story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob. Not a Christian book. I actually only gave it 3-stars, but the book has stuck with me.

  10. For One More Day - Mitch Albom

    A fictional story about a character getting an extra day with his mother after she dies. Ultimately, it is a reminder of our mortality and to make the most of every moment we have with our loved ones.

Top 10 Non-Fiction:

  1. The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron

    This book was a reminder that I am absolutely NOT wasting my time on any sort of creative act. We are creative beings who are gifted with our creativity, and we honour God by using it. This book also reminded me to focus on the act of creating and not the outcome.

  2. I’m Glad my Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy

    I could not put this book down. An autobiography written by a child star about her experience with fame and life. It is about trauma and abuse, but it is also more than this. It is about resilience, mental health, therapy, relationships, and so much more.

  3. Phosphorescence: On Awe, Wonder, and Things That Sustain You When the World Goes Dark - Julia Baird

    This book is about staying happy in dark times and has a strong focus on finding happiness in the art of the world: poetry, conversations, and especially in nature. Some bits were a bit boring, but the bits that resonated for me, really resonated for me.

  4. The Happiest Man on Earth - Eddie Jaku

    I INHALED this book and finished it in a few hours. It is heartbreaking. My privileged and sheltered little self cannot even begin to imagine the absolute ATROCITIES that this man has been through. The author is the happiest man on earth because he CHOOSES to be. He chooses to be GRATEFUL, and he chooses LOVE.

  5. Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey

    An easy-to-read autobiography written by a movie star, all about his life journey and the lessons he has learned along the way. Entertaining. Painted an attractive picture of a free life, being true to oneself, and turning positives into negatives. The author is a bit naughty (and not in a sexual way).

  6. I am Autistic: An Interactive and Informative Guide to Autism (by someone diagnosed with it) - Chanelle Moriah

    This is the absolute BEST book that I have read about autism so far. It is visually appealing, the sections are short, and written in an easy-to-understand way. I wish I could hand out copies of this book to help people understand.

  7. Out of the Box: A One-Stop Guide to Navigating Neurodivergence - Rebecca Sparrow

    The subtitle says it all. Practical, useful information and advice about how to navigate challenges and 'the system' to arrive at best outcomes for neurodivergent people.

  8. Diary of a Crap Housewife - Jessica Rowe

    The author is a totally down to earth woman who absolutely owns her status of 'crap housewife' - someone who is a pretty crappy cook, whose house is messy, who forgets school functions, and generally doesn't have it all together, but most importantly, she doesn't pretend to! She owns who she is and absolutely GLOWS.

  9. Be Useful: Seven Tools For Life - Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Any person with Arnold's mindset and work ethic could achieve anything. A good book containing the basic elements of success.

  10. The Writing Life - Annie Dillard

    The most poetic book I have read about writing. The book is a work of art in itself, a beautiful journey and honest reflection about what it means to be a writer.

The covers of 10 different books that have been rated 5 stars

Favourite Poetry Books:

  1. Life: Poems to Help Navigate Life’s Many Twists and Turns - Donna Ashworth

    This book touches on many of the subjects that we battle with in our minds: fitting in, body image, ageing. Donna's poems are a great place to start if you aren't all that sure about poetry. She is a light for us all. Do read.

  2. I Wish I Knew: Poems to Soothe Your Soul and Strengthen Your Spirit - Donna Ashworth

    Wise words. Positive and beautiful. I want to buy my own copy so I can read the poems again and again.

  3. Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer - Maya Angelou

    A book of poetry written for various celebrations. I absolutely LOVED it! Especially 'Sons and Daughters' which was written for the Children's Defense Fund.

  4. Growing Brave: Words to Soothe Fear and Let in More Life - Donna Ashworth

    More of the same gold from my favourite poet.

Now... I've been thinking about what I would name as my top read for 2024, and it's actually a really hard one.

I devoured:

The Stranger in the Lifeboat

The Happiest Man on Earth, and

I'm glad my Mom Died, the FASTEST


The Artist's Way, and

Phosphorescence, probably had the most IMPACT on me.


I am not going to name my top overall BOOK for the year, instead,

I am going to name my top AUTHOR

and this absolutely has to go to...


Earlier in the year, I stumbled across a video on Facebook of Donna reading aloud her poem, Sadness Comes (you can find a link to the video HERE).

This poem caught me. Her voice! Her dress! Her words! Oh yes!

I watched it a bunch of times and was totally moved each time.

I had to find out more...

It was then that I fell into a Donna Ashworth rabbit hole, spending many hours reading her poetry and the very personal and insightful words that she shares on social media. I read her poetry online, and in books that I bought and borrowed from the library. I visited her shop repeatedly, and just all out fangirled!

Donna reignited my love for poetry. She reminded me of the profound beauty in simply sharing words from the heart. The words don't have to be fancy, they just have to be REAL.

So, thank you, Donna!

2024 has been a gem of a reading year. It's been swell, and I can't wait to find even more books, stories, characters, and authors that move me, make me think, help me to see things from different perspectives, learn, laugh, fall in love, and grow.

So, do tell:

What was your top read for 2024?

Much love,



If you're interested in finding out what I read in 2025, make sure that you're signed up to receive my newsletter, where I list and review every book that I read each month. Sign up over there ---------------------------->

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89-page e-novella:

The Silver Maid

Cover of the book 'The Silver Maid'. Woman with curly orange windswept hair in a grass jacket in front of grassy plains

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