What would you write if you didn't think about what you were writing?
This is me saying 'Hello' in a stream of consciousness.
I see you, sitting there
You should be doing something else, shouldn't you?
You have all these other things
Waiting for you
But, instead, you find yourself here
Reading this
Lucky you
I like your hair today
It looks good
Did you do something different?
Have you looked outside?
The sun is shining
Maybe you should go out there
Breathe in deeply
Listen to the birds
There are other people out there, too
Doing things
Keeping busy
Doing things that they should be doing
Or maybe doing things that they shouldn't
Avoiding things
They are grabbing quick bites to eat
On the way to somewhere
They are wearing clothes
And feeling inadequate
They have bills to pay
Hey, you have something in common
Guess what, friend
This is life
Right here
Right now
You, reading this
Them, out there
Things to do
People who love you
People who piss you off
Food that tastes good
And food that is good for you
Hidden opportunities
Muscles and grass
Water and blinking
Clouds and thoughts
We are all the same
I see you
And you see me
Because you are here
Reading this
You get it, don't you?
We all gotta take a dump
We all exist
Don't we?
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Much love,
Marley xx