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When Creative Discouragement Knocks (aka. An encounter with Art Satan)

Writer: Marley BettsMarley Betts

Oh crap. I have allowed the teeth and claws of creative discouragement to lodge themselves in my throat. Away with you, Art Satan! 

Can you relate? It's okay, I know what we have to do...

Holy heck balls! Here I was, living my life, being all creative n' wordy n' shit, and then I went and fell off my bloody writer's perch! Ugh! But it's okay.

I know what I need to do.

I know what anyone who is discouraged needs to do.

Are you ready for this advice?

It is going to change your life!

Are you ready for this?...

A cartoon depiction of Art Satan telling someone that they suck

Here it is:

Ignore the discouragement and start creating!

That's it! Just do the fugging thing!

Create while sad, create angry, create happy, create tired, create hot, create with little snippits of time, create with whole days, create without the proper materials, create while inspired and...

Create while discouraged.

Keep going.

How we FEEL doesn't correlate with the worth of our work.

Right now, I am feeling creatively discouraged. I feel like my creativity isn't worth the space that it takes up in the world. I feel UN-creative, I feel lazy, I feel uninspired, and I feel frustrated. I said to my husband "Why am I bothering to write when nobody is reading what I write anyway?"

Shut up Marley!

Just shut the heck up!

Hubby said to me, "You've got to get clear on WHY you are creating," then he added those four words that I HATE: "Do it for yourself."

Ughhhhh! Can other artists out there relate to my frustration here?

I DO create for myself. I create because creativity is like breathing for me most of the time, it's just something that I have to do. I don't even need to think about it, my soul just wants to create word pictures, write love poems about nature, tell stories about people in my head, and show people stuff. I create because I need to - for me - BUT, I also create because I want people to experience and enjoy it. I want to move people. I want people to feel seen and heard, I want them to be able to relate to the words I write, or feel inspired to step outside and gaze up at a tree for five minutes. I want to entertain people, make them think, make them laugh, or, just make them feel anything that they wouldn't have had they not read what I wrote.


I want to make a difference in the world.


And that is why I am feeling uninspired.

Because I feel like I am NOT making a difference in the world.

A person frowning. A cartoon Satan sits on their shoulder telling them that they suck
Me n' Art Satan hanging out together

You know what?

That is Art Satan talking.

Can you picture him? Horns and pitchfork, bright red spandex bodysuit, soles of his feet smoking, breath stinking, teeth rotting, claws digging into your neck as he whispers in your ear, "What's the point?"

Get away from me Art Satan! I rebuke you in the name of Creative Jesus!

I'm only half-joking. I mean, God gave us this gift of creativity, right? He wants us to use it! He doesn't want us being all sooky, like "Waah! I can't create! I have no ideas! Nobody wants to read what I write! I'm not good enough! Why should I!"


I gotta rise above this shit talk in my ear.

I am a conduit. The words come through me.

What I create has a purpose that is BIGGER than me!

Perhaps it will change the world one day.

Perhaps it already has.

Perhaps it is just so my children see me fighting the negative self-talk and following my dreams and passions anyway.

Yes, I do create for me... but I also create for you.

Get away from me, Art Satan! Go jump into a herd of swine and run off a tall cliff, because I'm going go and create my magical word salad and write books that will be released into the wild regardless of how I feel.

I'm going to create discouraged. So ner!


Just do the thing.

...Okay. I will.

Love, Marley


P.S. You can check out my word salad creations HERE

or HERE if you're an Aussie.



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