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  • Writer's pictureMarley Betts

Love for Frida Kahlo

Updated: Jul 23

Frida Kahlo is my favourite artist. I love her work, her use of colour, her iconic face and unconventional beauty, and I love her story and attitude to life. So, here is a blog post dedicated to my love for Frida Kahlo.

A woman dressed up like Frida Kahlo in a brightly coloured dress with flowers in her hair and toy monkeys on her shoulders
Just call me Marley Kahlo... or maybe Frida Betts lol

My middle name is Frida.

It comes from a relative, not the painter, but it's still a link with the legend and a moniker that I feel proud to have.

Unfortunately, that is where the similarities end lol.


I just found out that Frida's name is actually spelled 'Frieda', she just dropped the 'e' at some point. At least that is what I read last night in my Frida Kahlo book by Claudia Bauer. I picked up this book from my library last week; it has many beautiful pictures. I do recommend it. It is more about Frida's life than art though. Maybe her life through her art, but it doesn't go much into the art side of the art.


Frida had a tough life.

She nearly died at 18 in a traumatic bus/tram accident, was pierced by a handrail and broke many, many bones. This accident caused her to become bedridden for a long time and it was in her bed that she started to paint. Before the accident, she was on track to become a doctor, but after, she was no longer able to. Because she was bedridden, the only thing she could see to paint was herself, with the help of a large mirror affixed to the canopy of her bed.

So, she began to paint herself.

Frida's husband cheated on her. A lot. Including with her sister. She also had multiple miscarriages and lots of ongoing health issues that caused her a lot of pain. I mean, this woman was dealt a rough hand. But, she didn't wallow in self-pity or give up, she found a way to do things that she enjoyed and was passionate about, and she fought hard to succeed despite all of the adversity.

Despite all of the pain and trauma that is evident in so much of her artwork, she is known for being a happy and positive person. She decided to wear clothes that made her feel happy, and she did things her own way, regardless of any external pressures.

Frida is my hero. She is strong, resilient, powerful, brave, and oh so talented!


I enjoy painting but I am no artist. I don't really know anything about art. But I do know that I love Frida's paintings.

I love her brutal honesty.

Her paintings are like the most intimate of diary entries exposed for the world to see, she lays herself bare (sometimes quite literally) filled with hidden messages and innuendo.

She is real, and I value realness more than anything. I crave connection, and Frida's paintings hand you an intimate connection with her on a silver platter.

She doesn't look away.

"Frida Kahlo Rivera's work is a coloured ribbon wrapped around a bomb." - Andre Breton (French Poet).

A woman dressed up like Frida Kahlo in a brightly coloured dress with flowers in her hair and toy monkeys on her shoulders. She is not smiling.
I love this dress. So does Roger the purple sloth/monkey


Frida was smart. She cared about politics and wasn't just all talk; she got involved. She was funny and headstrong. She celebrated her Mexican heritage. She hung out with people like Piet Mondrian, Henri Matisse, and Pablo Picasso.

She is just so bloody interesting!

I am honestly so inspired by this incredible woman who has had such a massive influence on art, culture, and women all over the world.

Viva la vita, Frida.

Much love,

Marley x

P.S. As well as dressing up like Frida in my spare time, I also write books. They have nothing to do with Frida Kahlo, other than being my own attempt at expressing myself creatively. You can find out more HERE.

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